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Eleda summer solstice

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  • Eleda summer solstice

    Saturday morning saw me waken at 4am to see the trees outside blowing about all over the place , went back to sleep and got up at the sensible time of 8am . Took the boat south to some new wrecks I've been putting in my plotter and had a few cod and a nice ling of about 6lb and my first mackerel of the year . It was hard going but I enjoyed every minute.
    Sunday morning saw me rise even later and not in the boat till well after 11am , headed north for the first time this year and checked out a few new wrecks in that direction , one solitary codling which went back and hardly another bite on the cod rod , I did bag up with mackerel though , full strings of five at a time , and caught a few whiting and a tiny little gurnard
    Not the best day for filling the fridge with fish , but again , one of the most enjoyable days I've had for a while , maybe if I hadn't been so chilled out and relaxed I might have put a bit more effort in and found the cod
    I've a few more wrecks plotted out for when the fish are playing game though


  • #2
    Nice one Ray, sounds like a good weekend.
    Cheers, Keith.


    • #3
      Thats what its all about Ray pleased your enjoyin

      Fishing is eternal optimism!!!

