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Eleda 28th May

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  • Eleda 28th May

    Long day out today , my mate and I met at the marina at 8 am to be greeted by heavy mist and light rain with very poor visibility , checked the boat out thoroughly and refueled and started the auxilliary ,went and filled the main tanks to brim full and at about 9am decided to go out and chance it.
    Once out there the weather was o.k with a flat calm sea and the mist slowly clearing. We fished the northern hill for a while till slack water and then headed out to the wrecks 6 miles out , we moved around from wreck to wreck , some of them new to us , some old aquaintances.
    We seemed to pick fish up very quickly on arriving at each location then find it difficult straight afterwards can't think why we should get a fish each first drop then struggle to get a bite afterwards?
    We fished and moved all day picking up codling , pollock ,wrasse, scotchies and coalies , but nothing very big.
    By 7pm the offshore breeze had picked up enough to cause a fair chop which drifting side on to didn't suit my mate and he chucked
    I'm sure there's a sea state to make everyone chuck , just a matter of finding the right one for you lol.
    After starting the day to mist and drizzle , I ended it with sunburn , I tried to avoid it , but applying factor 70 at sea without my vanity mirror isn't easy
    Thoroughly enjoyed my day , still no sign of the mackerel?


  • #2
    you went out to catch fish and in the end yous caught what yous intended plus a suntan welldone mate
    Panel Pin Champ


    • #3
      I know what you mean about a quick catch ,it's often after an early flurry of fish that it dies of quickly ,mind you the reverse is also true when you get nowt early on but bag up later .

      It's all about the magic switch on to feed.
      You can take the lad out of Walker but .......


      • #4
        Morning Ray,

        Well done on the catch, what was the water like? Has it cleared yet? Did the fish come to bait or lures?It should have hopefully cleared by the time I get back from work, we are off out to the middle of the North Atlantic, hope the weather is good!



        • #5
          I am heading off in 5 mins but onyl a short trip today 4hrs are soemthing so wont be heading far off..i be happy of a quick catch because out else and i will end up with nothing

          Well done on the catch anyway
          ................__................................ .............................
          ____[ ~ \_____
          SKATE 204lb
          COD 51lb
          LING 32lb
          TOPE 40lb
          CONGER 25lb
          HADDOCK 10lb
          HALIBUT 37lb
          COALIE 16lb
          BLUE SHARK 55lb


          • #6
            Well done Ray, sounds like you had a few fish to keep you's busy.
            Its always a tricky decision to head out in the fog or not, at least it cleared up.


            • #7
              It was a cracking day out with fish coming from the off and sporadically right through the day , I didn't want to come back in lol.
              The water still isn't very clear , probably why there aren't any mackerel yet , it's gone up 4 degrees since I first ventured out about a month or so ago , it was 48 and now its 52 , wonder what temperature the mackerel like?
              We used mainly hokkais and assorted lures baited with squid or ragworm , I tried mussel and caught a wrasse of about 2lb and my mate caught a decent pollack on a baited hokkai whilst we were drifting one of the 6 mile wrecks.
              Hmm! I thought , pollack , changed my rig to flowing trace with sidewinder on and instantly caught................................ a cod
              I caught a pollack later on but I can't remember what on .
              Don't get me wrong here , we didn't exactly fill the boat with fish , I brought half a dozen home and put about the same number back , plus the scotchies , pollock, wrasse and coalies.
              It was nothing like a wildcard trip out of whitby with rods bent double all day , just a really enjoyable days fishing .
              I've been wondering of late with all the bad weather whether the expense of a boat berthed in a marina is worth it for how often I can get out , but I'm not anymore



              • #8
                Plenty more days out to come over the summer, to prove the boats worth.
                The seasons only starting. Fingers crossed lol.

