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Ali-Cat, Hartlepool 11.10.2014

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  • Ali-Cat, Hartlepool 11.10.2014

    Well, with only 1 more trip to go with Dave on Ali-Cat off once again I set off down the A19, and with the darker mornings setting in very quickly now, headlights were on for the full journey.

    I took my lightweight waterproofs today after checking the forecast and on arrival, my initial thoughts were oops, I've got this choice wrong, a stiff cold breeze blowing across the Marina car park making all the weather vanes and ensigns on the boats and yachts' spin and flap like hell!

    So off to the pontoon I went, and with 2 boats already tied off waiting for their passengers, to arrive and board, Famous and Ali-Cat were standing off idling in the Marina, a very busy morning indeed.

    The guys eventually arrived, not in any haste, which allowed Famous and Ali-Cat to very quickly tie up, board and straight into the lock with the minimum of fuss.

    Out over the bar into a glorious morning, all thoughts of a cold blustery day evaporated and during the trip, off came the jackets and on went the sun protection cream, a great day despite the forecast.

    We travelled a short distance for Mackerel, but failed to take any at all, another short more but still no Mackerel.

    As the Mackerel season is drawing to a close, lots on board had brought various frozen baits, where I just phone Dave the night before to place an order, saves running around as Dave keeps all manner of frozen Ammo baits, even more selection than my local tackle shop, so Squid was my back up for today, and off to rough ground did we go!

    On the way out we came across 2 of these big boys, treading water, no anchor, we thought something BIG must be coming out of Tees port refinery, but on our return, there was now 3 of these tugs, still treading water without anchors??

    Bait fishing did prove to be the best all round with very few falling for our artificial rubber friends.

    With both boats talking to each other throughout the day for updates, it was a little surprising that under a mile away where Famous was drifting, they had filled a box with big Mackerel.

    Everyone did, however manage Mackerel during the day to help replenish dwindling bait stocks and nothing beats fresh bait, I digress, fish came over the rails steadily through the day with some really nice sized Cod and Ling.

    Ivan taking these 2 beauties, both on bait and both over the Magical 10lb.

    I started off as normal with my old favourite, 6" stripy tiger sand eel and while fish were been caught on bait around, I persevered and took 3 Ling, 1 keeper and 2 successfully returned without rupturing their swim bladders.
    I use an Accurate Boss Extreme 400 DPX2 Dawg reel which is 2 speed and I always engage 2nd gear for retrieving any hooked fish, it brings the fish up very slow and gives it a far better chance of being returned than if cranked from the depths.
    I did change over to bait just before slack water and took a better Ling, weighing 9lb 9oz gutted at home, along with 3 cod with the best, again gutted at home weighing 7lb 2oz.

    A mixture of fish came on board again, Pollock, just the 1 about 6lb, lots of Gurnard, and the annoying small Whiting capable of swallowing massive baits on a 8/0 hook, they defy nature.

    A successful outing by Yorkie, fishing a flowing trace brought him a great bag including a nice double Cod.

    He took a nice bag home of mixed Cod and Ling

    So, a quick summery of fish caught today, approx 40 Cod with the best about 12lb and slightly more Ling with fish in the region of 15lb, I think an excellent return for 8 anglers.

    So leaving Hartlepool to clean and fillet my fish, with a slightly burnt head but as always a big smile on my face, a great boat, a great skipper, good banter and the bonus of some tasty fish.

    I decided a few weeks ago to purchase a vacuum packing machine, and it has been a excellent piece of kit, reducing the size of the fish parcels when loading up the freezer.

    Its a simple thing to operate, line up the bag in the internal chamber, close the lid and press start, it engages the vacuum, and seals the bag in one action.

    Last nights results ready for the freezer

    So yet another great day on Ali-Cat, with Dave finding the fish once again, all my next year's trips have been booked, and I'm up to 25 trips for 2015, with spaces rapidly disappearing, be quick if any of you guys want places.
    Well my last trip next Saturday, Dave's been talking of doing some up-tiding this Wednesday, weather permitting, could be interesting, until the next time boys and girls, tight lines.
    John S

  • #2
    Great read and some nice fish.


    • #3
      excellent report and pictures, well done mate.


      • #4
        Fantastic read, good fish too. Good for October, wish we were coming down this week, but sadly we cannot!
        2016 - Cod, Dab, Dogfish, Gurnard, Ling, Mackerel, Saithe, Scorpian fish. .


        • #5

          Originally posted by kayos View Post
          Fantastic read, good fish too. Good for October, wish we were coming down this week, but sadly we cannot!
          Thanks for all your kind comments lads, very unfortunate you can't make it Mark, Hartlepool has stepped up another gear in the last month, is really fishing its best, especially over the rough ground.
          John S


          • #6
            Nice report Orange shad, nice to hear some sport still kickin about.

            how do you find the reel? i am treating myself to the dauntless dpx2 500n if i can get it out here for the $ price,
            don't know why tho, i can't get past my 8000c & 9000c's,

            i have had a Avet mxj 6/4 in bits for the past 2 years just put it back together, but i fancy the Accurate.

            some nice fish on the boat, it'll be night time uptiding when i get back, so i hope they are still around.
            2 lovely boats Dave has there.

            did you see ships cat hoyin up any where?

            well done



            • #7
              Originally posted by Paul_h View Post
              Nice report Orange shad, nice to hear some sport still kickin about.

              how do you find the reel? i am treating myself to the dauntless dpx2 500n if i can get it out here for the $ price,
              don't know why tho, i can't get past my 8000c & 9000c's,

              i have had a Avet mxj 6/4 in bits for the past 2 years just put it back together, but i fancy the Accurate.

              some nice fish on the boat, it'll be night time uptiding when i get back, so i hope they are still around.
              2 lovely boats Dave has there.

              did you see ships cat hoyin up any where?

              well done

              Hello Paul
              I've met "Ships Cat" only once, but I don't think he was on yesterday, but I don't think he would have been Hoyin up anywhere, it was extremely calm. I used a Avet JX-6/3 for many moons, just thought I'd have a change and step up to Accurate, Its a fine piece of kit, very happy with it, and I think you would like the Accurate too.
              If you get time when you get back, pop into the yard behind the flats and shops at the Marina and have a look at Dave's new Baby, up on timbers in the yard getting fitted out, a 42' Procharter, what a beast.
              I'm sure our cold blooded friends will still be here when you get back, take care mate
              John S


              • #8
                Originally posted by Orange Shad View Post
                Hello Paul
                I've met "Ships Cat" only once, but I don't think he was on yesterday, but I don't think he would have been Hoyin up anywhere, it was extremely calm. I used a Avet JX-6/3 for many moons, just thought I'd have a change and step up to Accurate, Its a fine piece of kit, very happy with it, and I think you would like the Accurate too.
                If you get time when you get back, pop into the yard behind the flats and shops at the Marina and have a look at Dave's new Baby, up on timbers in the yard getting fitted out, a 42' Procharter, what a beast.
                I'm sure our cold blooded friends will still be here when you get back, take care mate
                I heard he had a pro charter, nice boats, lady else'y was the same hull in the wide version, Charlie dropped a Scania D9 in but although it was good for ~700hp he had it mapped for 350 hp, imo not enough hp, I,m sure dave will get it right when he drops the engine in.


                • #9
                  Well done on the report mate, canny read. Some nice fish there too.
                  P.B. Cod 30lb-11ozs Balcary.


                  • #10
                    excellent report, thank you. good pictures.

                    I think I read on another forum that the tugs were waiting on d.p. for

                    "Big Semi Submersible Drilling Rig (Ocean Patriot) "


                    • #11
                      Ocean going Tugs

                      Originally posted by Scrubbs View Post
                      excellent report, thank you. good pictures.

                      I think I read on another forum that the tugs were waiting on d.p. for

                      "Big Semi Submersible Drilling Rig (Ocean Patriot) "
                      Cheers Scrubbs
                      We thought it had to be something big, and that solves it.

                      John S


                      • #12
                        Nice report as always

                        we have not done well up here. I dont know of any boat that caught. I had a lucky double hookup (1 cod and one ling) and nothing more apart from a monssoon rain (unfortunately not as warm!)

                        are you happy with that vacuum sealer?


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Kartonkel View Post
                          Nice report as always

                          we have not done well up here. I dont know of any boat that caught. I had a lucky double hookup (1 cod and one ling) and nothing more apart from a monssoon rain (unfortunately not as warm!)

                          are you happy with that vacuum sealer?
                          Hi Norbert, did you get caught in the rain on Saturday? as there wasn't a drop south of Hartlepool when we were out, and it looked pretty good further up the coast, or was this today?

                          PM sent regarding Vacuum Sealer
                          John S


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Orange Shad View Post
                            Hi Norbert, did you get caught in the rain on Saturday? as there wasn't a drop south of Hartlepool when we were out, and it looked pretty good further up the coast, or was this today?

                            PM sent regarding Vacuum Sealer
                            the rain was unreal. We were soaked despite water proofs...and that is not even mentioning the hail!


                            • #15
                              Vacuum sealer

                              Originally posted by Kartonkel View Post
                              the rain was unreal. We were soaked despite water proofs...and that is not even mentioning the hail!
                              Did the second pm with the sealer details get through to you?
                              John S

