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  • Amble

    After a long spell without going out I took the boat for a spin on xmas eve afternoon. Took the rod for a dip, just in case. The weather was great, sea flat as a pancake and the water looked pretty clear a nice greenish tinge to it not the usual peaty black we've seen throughout the summer. I only went a few hundred yards from the harbour mouth and dropped a line, nothing doing of course. Boxing day with the weather forecast pretty good I armed myself with some worms and headed off but the sea was choppy and the wind seemed worse than forecast so I hung round Coquet Island and had one bite, came in before it became dark by which time the sea was flattening off again. Decided to have another go yesterday with my the remains of my worms again forecast looked good, smooth to slight.....smashing. Again sea state wasn't great although the wind had eased off from previous day. The day was very grey nowt like greyness to dampen the spirits! Headed towards South end of the island but it was damned choppy there so ended up fishing the North end of the island with another boat not far away. They didn't appear to have my patience or is it stupidity ? and headed back in after a couple of hours I guess they weren't catching .......again another total blank.
    A couple of seals were surfacing close to the boat they looked miserable also so I guess the were blanking also. Today looks great again but I'm off to the Metro Centre....wonderful !!
    Last edited by Shilbottler; 28-12-2008, 11:02 AM.