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Sunderland 07 Aug

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  • Sunderland 07 Aug

    very patchy and very different sort of day

    had a friend from Germany on board who never fishes, so we only used one rod.

    out at 8am and first tried for mackies, which was a bit of a struggle. the wind blew strong from NW which gave us a deadly 1.5+ kn drift. i did not even bother to wreck fish and we were mackerelling until the wind dropped a bit.

    i went to a good wreck and the drift was still fast and well over a knot. it was already 12 am and all we had was a bucket of about 50 mackies.

    i had to idle the engine against the drift to make it fishable and within 30 minutes we had 3 cod 7,7,8 lb and a ling of 8lb on board. conclusion (as expected)---the fish are there but the drift is sh..t.

    With a few experienced anglers, we possibly would have nailed it, but it was incredibly tiresome to skipper, idling against the wind, fish, hook, bring ten yards up, then give the rod to my friend to play the fish, then gaff, unhook, kill, wash, store, bait up again, re- drift etc.

    i have done that for about ten fish and then cruised home with a very chuffed friend ( who could not believe how good the fishing in England is!) and a very exhausted Kartonkel was a good day. glorious sunshine and we were the only boat in sight...a bucket full of mackerels, about 8 large enough cod (7-9lb), a ling and a pollock

    and two sunburns

  • #2
    U do work hard to get the fish norbert! Gutted had to miss it but well done and glad ypur friend had fish on board


    • #3
      "..gaff, unhook, kill.."

      The lighter side of german efficiency! Well done.
      PB Boat Ling 24lb
      PB Cod Boat 17lb
      PB Cod Shore 11lb
      PB Boat Pollack 9.5lb
      PB Mackies 1,000,000


      • #4
        Originally posted by Jimbob View Post
        "..gaff, unhook, kill.."

        The lighter side of german efficiency! Well done.
        vee are gud in doing zet, Kumpel!

        zats vy Ju hef so manny vreggs here!

        Thanks Grandfather!


        • #5
          Great day out Norbert well done.
          PB SHORE COD 9LB 14oz seaton sluice 3/11/12
          PB BOAT COD 9lb 15oz
          PB COALIE 9lb 8oz
          PB LING 7lb 8oz


          • #6
            Very well done. In difficult conditions mate. Glad your friend had a good day.
            P.B. Cod 30lb-11ozs Balcary.

