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Shady 9th August 2008 - Fishing / Stock Car Report

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  • Shady 9th August 2008 - Fishing / Stock Car Report

    Just Bert & myself this morning, because of the crappy sea state we set off armed with ragworm with the intention of fishing for flatties shortly after 6.0am. Got a pleasant surpirse as we drove along the coast, the sea had dropped right off from what it was like on friday night so the flatty fishing was put on hold, first stop 3 mile wreck. Filled up with fresh bait then set up with ling traces. Probably the best drifts we've had for a few weeks, lines straight up & down, Bert landed a couple of cod and I trebled my catch for the whole of last weekend (1 codling) with 3 ling within a few drfits. Tried a couple of 6 mile wrecks and picked another couple of fish up but nothing great so decided to revert to plan A and head back in to try for flatties. Just got the boat anchored and flatty traces down when Bert got a call to say Claire had been involved in a car accident so we quickly packed up and steamed in. Thankfully Claire wasn't hurt badly, bit of a sore neck I think, but her car looked to be right off. Some silly moo hadn't stopped at junction and hit the back wheel of Claire's car sending it spinning head on into a garden wall.

    Total catch, 5 ling, 2 cod, 1 wall & 1 metal gate.
    Cheers, Keith.

  • #2
    nice report Keith canny little sesh yous had.
    Feel free to take a look at my blog.

    Cheers eddie t


    • #3
      Seems it's impossible to forcast or second guess the sea state , forcasts and general weather patterns say calm , sea is choppy , forcasts and weather patterns suggest it's going to be choppy , sea is flat as a pancake
      Of course you can't rely on that either , sometimes they are right
      I guess the only reliable method is to get out and have a look see for yourself on the day , like you did , sometimes it pays off , sometimes it would have been better staying at home.
      Not a bad day out considering!
      Shame about the r.t.a. , not a nice feeling wherever you are to get a call like that , but out at sea must be 10 times worse, hope there's no lasting damage .



      • #4
        Hope Claires ok ........... pass on our thoughts bert
        ]` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` )
        . . ,,,,,,___[ ~ \___
        ,,;;`` [_________/-,......... Norman.........


        • #5
          get well soon Claire - and where there's blame ................
          "I mock thee not, though I by thee am mockéd.
          Thou call'st me madman, but I call thee blockhead"


          • #6
            Give Claire my best anyone that speaks to her ,I know how a bad neck feels so she has my sympathy .
            You can take the lad out of Walker but .......


            • #7
              Well done lads,nice report.


              • #8
                Well regardless of the fishing WHAT A WEEKEND !!!!
                As Keith has already said Claire was involved in a "little bump"on sat am,so we headed in asap to find out the situation,got ashore and more or less dropped everything and sped off to the scene......!!!Only to find Claire's car totally fooked,bent ,twisted and knacker-ed ,and Claire off to hospital with police in tow(procedure,,,,,etc)at the scene a copper female type person was very persistent that the car should be moved asap as it was causing a hazard etc etc blah blah if you dont arrange a removal we will and bills.bills.bills etc
                Well thats all i needed to hear so quick phone call to local accident company and they came asap not a was ****ing down with rain
                Claire phoned from hospital saying she was in pain but has been sent home with a few pain killers ...paracetamol !!!!!!
                A very bad night and early morning lots of tears so at 9am a taxi was called and back to hospital,assessed then take a seat,1.5hrs later after it seemed that everyone who came in after you was getting seen before you ,,,,,,eventually Claire's name was called Phew!!
                A young and very understanding doctor seen to us and was very professional and as a precaution sent us down for a xray on Claire's foot and shoulders-neck,I couldn't go in but i could hear the distress Claire was under from outside the door,the twisted he round to get best pics regardless of her pain,when she came out she was in floods and i tried my beat to calm her down waiting to hear from the xray that the pics were OK
                MY GOD it was like something out of a film or sky program,,,the place was filled with nurses and a trolley neck braces etc etc saying you have BROKE YOUR NECK!!!!............fookin hell,neck braces ,blocks lots of tape and lots of panic,along lots of corridors to see the people who know about these things lots of tears upon tears,phone calls and more phone calls family around etc
                More xrays and a few more hours of anxious waiting only to be told that the first xray showed a fracture of the 1st vertebrae but the 2nd didn't neither did the 3rd off with the collar and brace and sent home with nothing but another appointment to appear again tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!
                God i never want to go thru that again !! God knows how Claire was feeling at the time even tho she seemed so calm,she is such a strong person and it showed.
                On seeing the car all smashed up i noticed that the Air bags had not deployed !!side impact,driver and passenger bags ,,,,,,,,none of them had gone off !! is there a speed that under a certain speed the dont go off?
                as Claire was maybe doing about 20-25mph when she was hit? Its a new-used car from a good well known dealer and we only had it 6 mth
                Any info would be much app cheers
                Cheers Bert


                • #9
                  a couple of years ago my grandad got hit side on by a skoda taxi (he had a vectra). the taxi went through a red light at 30 mph and hit the vectra smack bang in the middle so hard it slid sideways for about 2 foot. the airbags didnt deploy in either car and when he asked the police why not he was told that the sensors which activate the airbags only react to a certain g force and this was not considered a serious enough bump!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! scary aint it!!!


                  • #10
                    About five years back a flatbed truck drove into the side of me, badly damaging the focus that I was in. My airbags didnt go off either - I was told that it depends on the angle that they hit you as to whether the sensors go off or not Hope Claire feels better soon, neck pain is no fun
                    UKCC Level 2 Game Angling Coach


                    • #11
                      I can understand the air bags not working with the initial impact, looks like the other car hit the back tyre, but the car then went head on into the corner of a wall with enough impact to mangle the front of the car.
                      Cheers, Keith.


                      • #12
                        I work in the motor trade and the sensors are generally behind the front bumper, if the front end of the car has been shunted back the airbags should of deployed, its the same if cars have curtain style side airbags they have the sensors for them in the b pillars.
                        target of 10 codling this season and gonna try for a pig!!!!1

                        Cheers Justin


                        • #13

                          hope you are feeling better,

                          as per previous post the airbags will only deploy when the car is hit in a certain way and the forward/sideways motion is seen to be greater than the force of the air bag deploying, (friend had one go off when driving along and it bust the chair mountings out of the floor) this is to prevent serious injury if the bag goes off without counteracting forces.

                          I know it is a bit too early to think of compo but we have used Ather and Co in middlesbrough for a minor bump (whiplash), they were excellent and both me and our lass got over 2k each for the stiff neck etc.

                          take care
                          give a man a fish and feed him for a day - teach the man to fish and feed him for life!!!!


                          • #14
                            Jeez - nightmare...nice one on the bonus wrecking trip ...hope your missus is OK Bert
                            Ooh a new vid!

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                            • #15
                              bloody `ell bert what a weekend ...................... good to hear it`s not the break you were first told about ........... sympathy mate, looks like it`ll take a bit TLC to put right ............. and a compensation claim !
                              understand what you been through mate ...... ! all the best to yous both ... from us both !
                              ]` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` )
                              . . ,,,,,,___[ ~ \___
                              ,,;;`` [_________/-,......... Norman.........

