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Durham Police Craster 21st May 2014

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  • Durham Police Craster 21st May 2014

    Ten adults ventured out on the second arranged boat trip of the year on what turned out to be a glorious day baked in sunshine with panoramic views of Dunstanburgh Castle and clear visibility for several miles up and down the Northumberland Coastline.
    No sooner had Dougie got to the first mark; within a minute Ian Lincoln was the first to extract a cod of some 43cm. Several others followed suit and we were all off to a good start with cod coming in from all sides of the boat. This continued until about 12.30 when there was a bit of a lull for some but big Mick Dunn who had moved onto the front of the boat started pulling in several cod captured on blue and white shads. Alas the shads did not succeed for long and those using bait continued to pull in more fish.
    Fish were caught on all baited lures, with Hockeyes of all colours, Daylights and Muppets all taking fish. Richard Sharpe was kept busy all day pulling in fish on a consistently regular basis numerous of which were caught using pink prawns. Midway through the session Ian Lincoln had a Mackerel of about a pound in weight hanging from his trace and exclaimed a shout “the mackerel are in lads”. The supermarket carrier bag next to him gave it away that it was shop bought. All but poor Paul Halpin realised the joke much to the amusement of everyone. Aye the Mackerel are in Paul, but only in the likes of Tesco. Lol.
    A few minutes before the final bell at 4pm Dave Wolfe pulled in a 60cm Cod showing that “it’s never over till the fat lady sings". This was followed on the last retrieve by Paul Halpin bringing in a brace of Cod measuring 40 and 46cm. It was a close thing between the three longest fish caught, two at 60cm by Pierro and Wolfy and a specimen caught by Ian Lincoln at 63cm, however it had been declared at the beginning of the session that it would be the heaviest fish that would take the sweep along with a prize for the person who got the most points. At the adjudged weigh in it was nip and tuck but Wolfy won with his prize being a much more solid specimen. This weighed in at 4lb 1oz (gutted).
    In all there were some 126 Fish caught comprising of 119 Cod: 2 Coalie: 1 Pouting and 4 Wrasse the biggest of which was some 40cm. There were also about 40 undersized fish caught all of which were returned unharmed.
    Well done to everyone who turned out for a great day and thanks to Dougie for putting us onto the fish once again.
    The final results were:
    Richard Sharpe (Guest) 25 Fish - 343 Points
    Ian Lincoln 13 Fish – 218 Points
    Dave Wolfe 18 Fish – 211 Points
    Peter Chadwick 13 Fish – 199 Points
    Bob McKay 14 Fish – 179 Points
    Paul Halpin 13 Fish – 156 Points
    Mick Dunn 11 Fish – 120 Points
    Colin Mason (Guest) 7 Fish - 108 Points
    Derek Sirrett 6 Fish – 83 Points
    Barry Lawson (Guest) 6 Fish – 76 Points
    Last edited by pierro; 23-05-2014, 09:09 AM.

  • #2
    Sounds like an awsome day out well done lads
    PB SHORE COD 9LB 14oz seaton sluice 3/11/12
    PB BOAT COD 9lb 15oz
    PB COALIE 9lb 8oz
    PB LING 7lb 8oz


    • #3
      Peter a fantastic day. Lost about 15 shads but gives me a reason to buy some more. One of the most productive sessions I have seen.
      My freezer is chocca now with fillets.
      Personal best, 12.5lb Tope Scotland. 22/05/2012.


      • #4
        And I couldn't get a day off grrrrrr!


        • #5
          Originally posted by Hadji Kareem View Post
          And I couldn't get a day off grrrrrr!
's difficult to replace someone who does very little....!!!!


          • #6
            We replaced you in the time it takes a fly to fart. So you're wrong


            • #7
              Yep well done lads one of the better police reports lol

