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Mackerel off Amble

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  • Mackerel off Amble

    Finally got sorted out and away up to Amble with the 4m Avon Searider.

    Brilliant conditions,with a surprisingly warm breeze coming off the land.

    We weren't sure about where to start once out of the harbour, so literally just aimed away from the various yachts then after about 5mins motoring, stopped and setup our gear.

    The pretty strong breeze was pushing the rib out to sea but the hull floods when you stop, slowing the drift down a fair bit, as well as making a really stable little boat. As soon as you start to motor again, the hull empties out and you're away.

    Anyway, we put some cheap Fladen mackerel feathers on and dropped them over the side.


    We sat jigging away for 10 mins or so, then I said " Hmm, mebbe we should move a bit?" then 'bang'! three lovely plump mackerel on.

    We ended up with 37 fish between us, plenty for eating, as well as for bait.

    A brilliant afternoon and no dodging dead heads on piers

