just thought I would give anyone going in and out of Sunderland a heads up on a new patrol thats starting up full time from Monday.
The port of Sunderland has employed a few people to be out on patrol in the water (4 m rib, bright orange called "Patrol") to mainly stop people speeding. As the speed limit from the pier entrance and all of the river is 6 knotts the patrol will be trying to stop people breaking the byelaws along with making sure people are safe and not being stupid in the river basically.
Any questions ask I'll try and answer them.
As I'm one of the people involved in this the port has kindly just paid for me to do my power boat level 2 which I got my card for today so thanks to the port and if anyone spots a little coloured guy in a orange boat called patrol say hi to me ;-)
just thought I would give anyone going in and out of Sunderland a heads up on a new patrol thats starting up full time from Monday.
The port of Sunderland has employed a few people to be out on patrol in the water (4 m rib, bright orange called "Patrol") to mainly stop people speeding. As the speed limit from the pier entrance and all of the river is 6 knotts the patrol will be trying to stop people breaking the byelaws along with making sure people are safe and not being stupid in the river basically.
Any questions ask I'll try and answer them.
As I'm one of the people involved in this the port has kindly just paid for me to do my power boat level 2 which I got my card for today so thanks to the port and if anyone spots a little coloured guy in a orange boat called patrol say hi to me ;-)