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Toilet (or lack of) on charter boats
Portable Urinal | Easylife Group Lifestyle Solutions
here's another 2 in 1, fill it with chicken soup for dinner,converts to ladies/gents netty when empty.
We had a toilet (Head) on Pansy, with a little wash basin and everything - It was a tad dangerous though in terms of blowback, a kind of reverse bidet thing. The door also decided to fall off and trap me underneath on one memorable occasion when there was a bit of a sea on. Mark rediscovered it recently after she sank, boat under water, Mark doing a Das Boot thing up to his chin in water in the hold trying to stem the flow - "I think I may be a bit trapped" says he, I had visions of buddy breathing (Not pleasant, have you smelt his breath!) but luckily he announced "Don't kiss me, my foot's just stuck in the bog!"
We now just **** in the bilges"I mock thee not, though I by thee am mockéd.
Thou call'st me madman, but I call thee blockhead"