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  • Photos

    Not really fishing related but NESA related anyone know why on some threads I am unable to view photos. I view some but on the odd thread the photo just comes up as a white box with an X in it. Im sure Im missing out on some really good photos so any help would be appreciated. Cheers

  • #2
    maybe because the photo dose not exist anymore ie the poster may have deleted it
    In order to become "old & wise", you must first be young & stupid.
    Age and experience will beat youth and enthusiasm every time.
    Youth and Skill is no match for Age and Treachery.

    This link is good for tide and weather and more


    • #3
      Alot of photos on most BB are [IMG] or [HTTP] links from sites like Photobucket or Flickr. If people move or delete them the original link on all other sites still remain but obviously not work. Also some sites require you to log on in order to view photo's that people upload into their thred.
      2011 Catch's so far
      Cod: 13 / Ling: 0 / Herring: 4 / Pollock: 1
      Biggest: Cod 6Lb


      • #4
        it might sound a bit daft but it might be your browser stopping you
        Cod machine


        • #5
          while at work, if i log on to nesa using office pc the photo's do not appear, as described above, try right click and "show picture" sometimes this works, but when at home on lap top no probs with this..


          • #6
            Try holding down the ctrl button , while clicking on the X.
            Last edited by Topfly; 05-05-2011, 08:57 PM. Reason: silly me


            • #7
              Thanks guys have checked my browser and home PC ok now work PC but hey I can live with that cheers


              • #8
                Originally posted by codhw View Post
                Thanks guys have checked my browser and home PC ok now work PC but hey I can live with that cheers
                That can be because of your corporate firewall blocking certain items like pictures in forums etc. Company security can be overzealous at times.
                2011 Catch's so far
                Cod: 13 / Ling: 0 / Herring: 4 / Pollock: 1
                Biggest: Cod 6Lb

