Congratulalations to paul britton for winning the whitby charter skippers spring festival with his 15lb cod on sea-otter 2 paul collects the £1000 cash not a bad days work to say the least the weather was fantastic over the last week only 4 days were lost during the 2 week competition due to weather.
Paul is an offshore worker nowadays but he worked on local trawlers for quite a few years but now loves his angling paul says is now looking forward the whitby charter skippers big one the summer festival with the 1st prize of £5000 there is over £10,000 in cash up for grabs plus many tackle prizes .
Paul with his winning fish.
Paul is an offshore worker nowadays but he worked on local trawlers for quite a few years but now loves his angling paul says is now looking forward the whitby charter skippers big one the summer festival with the 1st prize of £5000 there is over £10,000 in cash up for grabs plus many tackle prizes .
Paul with his winning fish.